What would others think

This morning, I was served by the lad who I've mentioned in two of my previous blogs. He just acts different than others and says things you wouldn't expect. Like today when I ordered my drink and the croissant he repeated the order and then said, "that's fine".. Lol. I think he knows he's different and he doesn't care what others think . My train this morning is quieter than normal and it's nice to not have a fully packed carriage for a change. It just makes the journey a bit relaxed. Tuesday evening's train back to Birmingham, was packed. And they have been really busy recently. Opposite me there was a man with curly hair and glasses. As soon as the train set off he started eating a sandwich, then he had a packet of crisp, then a chocolate and then an apple. I thought he must've been hungry. After that he kept working on his laptop. A few minutes later he called the man sitting on my left by saying excuse me and then he asked where th...