
Motivation to do something in your life is very important but I think more important than that is the commitment to work hard towards what you want to achieve. My taxi driver this morning was committed to having a conversation with me. Or it could be that he was gathering information from all his customers and compiling that into a book. He asked me where I worked, what I did, how long had I been travelling to London, if I enjoyed it, if I travelled daily etc etc. I think there's almost a sense of, ' I can ask all these things because we're both Pakistanis". That's a license to be nosy.. I'm surprised he didn't ask me what area I was from in Pakistan, as that is normally a question very commonly asked by a fellow Pakistanian who you're meeting for the first How can you not move your lips at all for almost 25 minutes. Thursday morning in my train to London, a girl wearing a long, white, thick fur coat caught my eye because she looked lik...