With The Boys

This morning at the coffee shop, I was served by the same young lad who's been mentioned in my previous blog, "Two types of people". He took my order and I placed my loyalty card on the counter. He was about to turn around to make my drink but stopped and said in a bit of a loud voice, "Oh you've got a loyalty card". That made me think.. "am I doing something wrong?". But there was nothing to worry about. I think he was excited to see someone use the card, so even before making the drink he grabbed the stamp and stamped it twice. I am not sure if that was due to the excitement of being able to stamp an actual customers loyalty card or if it was a gesture of good will. He then made an eye contact with me and I wasn't sure if that was a confident eye contact or just to check if I was looking that he'd stamped twice but, I gave him a nod of gratitude.

I find this lads behaviours, actions and body language hard to understand because he does things differently. I think, he resembles 'Ed' from the 'good burger' movie. But the difference is that he doesn't say, "Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger, can I have your order please". Instead he just confuses people by asking random questions and acting differently than others. May be he does that to keep himself entertained or even to entertain others. If its the latter he's not doing a great job at that but, instead he's causing confusion.

I think it's funnier and more exciting if you can relate everydays not so interesting incidents to something that's made you laugh in the past. For example, in my train back to Birmingham yesterday, there was a lady sitting on my right talking to her husband on the phone. I could tell it would be the husband due to the way she was talking on a soft tone. She said, "are you at home already... With the boys (that must be their kids)" but, that made me laugh because I've not heard someone with a posh accent saying 'with the boys' before. It's normally the Pakistani lads that say that a lot in their conversations.. e.g.," yo bro, didn't see you this weekend man!!! Where were ya " and the response would be, "Cuzzy, I had a mad weekend man. We hired this sick ferrari bro and I  was cruising 'with the boys' on the weekend. Went up and down the ladypool road blasting some sick tunes and then we had a late night sesh at the sheesha lounge enit..." And at the end they'd say, "Safe cuzzy.. Safe safe".

In the same train back to Birmingham yesterday, a man looking exactly like Arnold Vosloo who plays the mummy's role in the Mummy was sitting opposite me. So I sneakily took a picture of him and sent it to my friends to claim a bit of fame that I'm chilling with celebrities in the train... Lol. If anyone wants to see his picture let me know and ill send it to you. I see him quite often on this 5.03 train to Birmingham. He always has a very serious face, he constantly looks at his phone screen, has his airpods in his ears and smiles occasionally when there's something funny in the serious murder mysteries he watches (I'm guessing). I was a bit scared sitting opposite him in case he yawns and a swarm of bees comes out of his mouth.

"Pop, Ting, Bang", I almost jumped in the DLR on Thursday morning with that noise. The lady sitting on my left had opened her flask and its metal lid had gone flying when she tried to open it. The first noise was due to the lid flying off with the pressure in the flask, then it'd hit the ceiling of the train which made the second noise and then landed on the floor which made the final noise in the order I've said. The train wasn't that busy and miraculously no one was hurt. I've seen this happen twice on the trains now. I think it's the hot drinks in them flasks that causes the air pressure. The lady instantly apologised to the public around her and grabbed the lid. What made me laugh was the 'pop' noise. That reminded me of a lad I used to work with, who always seemed to be excited about everything. I think he was high on life because he used to celebrate a lot of things by actually saying, "pop pop pop". What a legend...

This is the first Friday of 2020 and it's going to be the first weekend. I'm not sure what you'll be doing, unless you are a young Pakistani lad in which case I know you'll be chilling with the boys. But I wish you all a great start to the new year. The weekend is here. Have a great weekend everyone. Pop pop pop.


  1. Yeahh bro.. yet again nice blog.. I could feel myself in the train prorecting my head from the lid lol. Alrighty safe then bro :D


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