Choose to Smile

When I woke up this morning, I was a bit tired and felt a little grumpy for some reason. When I ordered my taxi in the morning, it showed it was 5 minutes away. So I waited 5 minutes, it was still not moving towards me and it kept showing 5 minutes away even then. So instead of calling the driver and having a rant, I decided to cancel it and order a different one which arrived in 3 minutes. I was picked up by the same taxi driver who picked me on 9 December 2019. I've also mentioned him in my blog for that day and I remember him because he thought he could have a go at me for not entering the correct drop off details which I had.. Lol.

Then I went to the coffee shop at the train station which was pretty busy for 6.30 in the morning. Not only it had a long queue but there was only one person serving. May be it was because there was only one person serving. I queued for 10 - 12 minutes but then chose to go to the shop in the train instead of wasting anymore time. Even though I was a bit grumpy I thought I am not going to let these things ruin my day. I choose to be happy today and believe me we can do this everyday by making different choices and not letting the little things bother us too much. We can choose to smile instead of getting annoyed about things. Life is short, let's all keep smiling while we still have teeth.

Today's train is extremely busy. I had to walk through 2 carriages to find a seat. And that too was being guarded by a man who was sitting in the aisle seat and it felt like he didn't want anyone to sit in this window seat. He had a bald head, had a big navy winter coat on, a scarf around his neck and greyish short beard. When I asked if I could get in this seat he looked at me like he wanted me to tell him the password to get in this seat. Turned out that 20 minutes later he got off at Coventry Station. He kept acting all busy with his phone and almost silently trying to take over the arm rest on my side, little did he know that I'll be mentioning him in the blog. Why was he being so protective about this seat? May be he decided or chose to be awkward towards people today.

On my train back to Birmingham yesterday, a lady sitting opposite me opened her bag and pulled a tissue out. She pulled out what looked like a rich tea biscuit from that tissue. I thought that was her snack but she then took out a puder and dabbed that buscuit looking sponge in that. I happened to have been looking straight at her face (which she didn't know) and I witnessed a live demonstration of instant beauty edit feature which I'd only seen in photo editors in phones. She then pulled out a lip stick and applied that too. What a transformation.. She looked like she was going back home after finishing work. I wouldn't have thought that someone would do make up on their way back but may be she chose to look good even when she's going home.

On the left to that lady there was a youngish man in his 30s, wearing a grey suit, bulky black bose headphones while sipping on diet coke and watching something on his ipad. He kept pulling skin peeling around his nails with his teeth and then sucking his fingers for good 10 - 12 seconds like a really hungry baby would do to a milk bottle. He did that a few times. What a weirdo. Why was he doing that? And that too in the train? I'm not sure about his choices..

I will quote Roy T. Bennett (chairman of Ohio Republican Party) for the third time in my blogs.. "Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely."

I'll leave that thought with you. I hope you like todays blog and missed reading them while I was away. Please keep your comments coming.

Have a great week.. Keep smiling (or even choose to smile today)



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