My taxi driver today needs a mention in the blog because he made the morning journey quite interesting. If interesting is the right word for what happened. When I ordered the taxi it was showing 2 minutes away on the map, then 1 minute as he started moving towards me then it got to 3 minutes. So I looked at the app and noticed he'd taken the wrong exit which meant he had to go further away and then come back. He finally arrived and greeted me with good morning sir (very polite). I couldn't work out what accent he had, it sounded like a type of accent Iranian origin people have mixed with an accent that people from gujrat India have (I've always been interested in accents). He started talking to me while being the most cautious and law abiding taxi driver I've ever seen. He wouldn't go over the legal speed limit even when the roads are all clear and while driving that slow he kept checking the blind spots and mirrors continuously. He said that I was his fi...