Two Types of People

There are two types of people in the world (again another well tested theory of mine); ones who can understand simple instructions and the others that need a step by step guide in writing to be able to understand simple instructions. The lad whose served me in the coffee shop this morning was certainly the latter type. He couldn't comprehend my simple enough order, "caramel latte with half the amount of caramel syrup you would normally use and an almond Croissant please". 

He made me repeat that twice, packed the croissant in a bag and left it on the counter in front of me and then I caught him adding a lot of syrup to my cup. I had to intervene, as I don't like a very sweet coffee. I said, "can you take some out of the cup as I said half the amount", he started showing me the bottle of syrup and said we've only got that much (what is going on with him). Then he started to pack another croissant and again I had to tell him he'd done that. He looked all confused and I was running late so I gave in and I'm now sitting in the train now sipping extra sweet coffee. They could have charged someone extra for adding extra syrup. Rant over..

Expanding on categories of people that travel in trains (according to me), there are readers who read through their journeys like the man sitting opposite me with short trimmed greyish hair, wearing a collared white shirt with blue lines and a navy tie who has not looked up once in the last 10 - 12 minutes because he's reading some book from his tablet. Then there are bilinguals like the two men on my left who work together and are close friends (I've gathered enough evidence in the few encounters I've had with this pair and I'm 95% sure of my assumption being correct) as they keep switching between English and Punjabi wearing causal work clothes which include jeans, jumpers and field style jackets. It's amazing how one says something in English and the other responds in punjabi and vice versa. I think they do this to ensure the people around them don't understand their secret discussions but, little do they know I'm the head teacher of the school where they learnt this technique from.

On my right, the lady in 30's wearing a thick quilted black parka all zipped up (since the radiators inside the carriage are only maintaining a temperature of 25 degrees, she must be cold) falls in the category of movie watchers. I can see from the corner of my eye she's watching an Indian movie with saurabh shukla in the current scene on her mobile phones screen which has been strategically placed at an angle facing her and its leaned against her big black bag acting as a barrier to avoid anyone seeing what she's watching. But hey, I'm not anyone... Lol

I also have the pleasure of being able to see 3 extremely busy office workers who are such hard working people that they have been constantly typing away at their laptops since they've got on. One sitting right Opposite me, wearing a white shirt and a navy tie with pink polka dots working on a silver 13 inch hp laptop, looks serious enough to be a boss in an office.

The other on his left with a bald head, black framed glasses, green casual jumper and black jeans working on a big 15 inch black Toshiba laptop looks like he would be some sort of trainer in a work place (he just has that look on his face). And he got told off by the lady sitting next to him as she got on and sat in the seat, "you've got a big computer", to which he almost embarrassingly said,"yeh it's not ideal for commuting" (yeh mate, you're taking up half the table).

Moving on the the third one who has a slick 13 inch silver dell, he looks like he is trying his best not to hurt the laptop because he is very cautious in pressing the keys. He is doing that so gently it feels like he loves his laptop. In the seat behind him is a man who falls in the category of pro sleepers and he definitely deserves this title because he has demonstrated how easily he can sleep on the train. I wonder if he is writing a blog like me, in his dream...

I hope you've enjoyed today's blog and my attempt to bring some humour in your day has been successful.

Keep your comments coming and please share it with your friends.



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