
The man sitting on my right is loving his sandwich so much that he is celebrating with loud chomping noises (munch or chew noisily or vigorously - Google's definition of chomping). The man opposite me (wearing a grey casual jumper, with black framed glasses, and grey hair... (Is he called Mr Grey?) is giving him dirties but this chomper does not care (or is he oblivious to what he is doing? and he can't see how people are rolling their eyes? ). And.... , the man opposite me has stood up now (what is he gonna do), he pulled his bag from the top rack (this is getting intense), he's pulled out his head phones and put them on as rapidly as he could to block the noise. This situation has compelled me to do something out of norm, I've also had to put on my left ears bluetooth earphone so I could stop this torture. I don't ever do this normally, I like using one ear for music and the other to hear things around me.(you can try that too)

I've just realised, I'm not even on that train any more. Why do I keep getting this flashback? This happened two days ago on my train back to Birmingham but, it has traumatised me for life. If there was ever the worst sounding chomping competition that guy would win it hands down and would be declared The Chompion.... Lol. If he could invent a chomping language, he could definitely communicate easily with anyone who understood that around the globe without needing any other medium than sound waves (or was he doing that then?) . Another category on the list - chompers... and I've seen two so far in my one years worth of train journeys who have caused enormous damage to make me not wanna have any other encounters with any others like them.

This morning in the train - to my left there is a guy who looks like a spitting image of the comedian Paul Chowdary with his big groomed beard wearing a light grey slim fit suit and a tightly fitted white shirt. He is watching something on his phone which he has carefully placed on the little table in front of him and he's got his noise blocking earphones on while he is sipping away on his coffee. After every couple of sips he gently  strokes his thick moustache with two index fingers. I think he's doing that for two reasons, a- to feel that it's still in the shape which he has carefully styled when he got ready and b- to clean any coffee that could possibly remain in it while he's sipping that. He made me smile when he reacted shockingly to the ticket lady's request of seeing his ticket. (Paul Chaudry would be proud of his double)

Right next to me (almost stuck to my hip) there's a dedicated and a very hard working bald professional man in his formal business attire, typing aggressively and continuously on his 13 inch, black lenovo think pad. While he's doing that he's breathing as heavy as some one else would when they're jogging. It's not annoying at all (NOT...). I am adding a new category to my list of different types of commuters... The heavy breathers. Right opposite the heavy breather there's a complete opposite picture, a very calm man with the bald head off course (Mr Burns style... From Simpsons), with the exact same laptop but he's treating the laptop ever so gently and he's loving life listening to his subtle music (yeh I can hear that.. Proof my coffee today is good).

Right opposite me there's a young lad with his eyes fully opened, bluetooth headphones in his ears thinking about his bright future ahead. I think he is a strong believer in, "The more you can dream, the more you can do", and he's doing that with his eyes opened.

Weekend is almost here. Thanks for all your comments everyone.. Have a great day.



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