Being Distinctive

Some people demand attention. There's just something about them which makes them look distinctive. Like this young version of Lord Nazir (Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed is a member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom) on my train back to Birmingham yesterday who chose to sit right opposite me (I felt privileged). He was dressed up in a navy suit, with white shirt and a navy tie with white dots. If this was 1998 when Lord Nazir was appointed and he was younger, I'm sure no one would stop this guy from entering the house of Lords. Anyone would've thought he's Lord Nazir because he had very similar styled facial hair and features plus he was dressed up for sure.

He must have been hungry because he smashed a packet of crisp in under a minute while breathing heavily. He looked like he had a blocked nose and his shirt was a bit tight for him. Or was he breathing fast in smaller breaths to ensure that he doesn't pop open the shirts buttons which was a bit tight on him? , I'm not sure. A few minutes into the journey Lord Nazir's double from 1998 thought to himself, 'allow this' and he nodded off. While doing this he applied princess Elsa's philosophy, 'let it go' to his belly and he was breathing with his mouth open. That worried me and I was then trying to protect my face in case he breathes heavy and forgets about controlled breathing, which could make his belly expand, make his shirt's buttons rip off and come shooting at me.

I have also been noticing a distinctive looking man with black framed glasses,
thick black silky hair tied in a pony tail, wearing a thick padded bright blue coat all zipped up. I've been noticing him for almost 'TWO WEEEKS' on the tube because of his bright colored coat. How's that possible, when I'm wearing a very light weight thin coat that I specially bought for the tube journeys as I get really sweaty in the tubes?? The coat he is wearing is good enough for climbing snow covered Everest. I've seen people working for lebara mobile wearing that coloured coats. The only difference in his one was it didn't have Lebara mobile written on it. May be he was their secret sales agent. I know it's a new company and I'm sure they are trying to expand their business, but this poor lad has to go to his office in London every morning and then climb snow covered mountains some where to make sales. That's a bit harsh for the company to make him do that. If I was him I'd say to my boss, "aren't you being a bit harsh to me."

I was busy day dreaming about stuff while  travelling in a busy tube on the Monday (yesterday) morning. Suddenly, I could smell a cat near me. I looked to my right and saw a blonde lady in her early 40s, wearing a formal black coat, all buttoned up with some small ginger hair on her coat. Using my senses of smell and sight I could deduce that it wasn't a cat in the train, she had a cat at home. This 'cat women' loved her cat so much the she allowed it to play with her work coat and leave hair on it. Or it could be that she thought, " just in case I miss the cat at work, I could just smell my coat".

This morning, sitting opposite me is a man I have noticed many times on the train. The reason I always notice him is because of the distinctive look on his face, the way he always slouches back in the seat while constantly looking at his phone and touching its screen. The look on his face can be best described as - he's trying to show he in some sort of authoritative position in his office in coventry (I know he works there because he always gets if at Coventry) and the way he almost frowns (with a grumpy look) at his phone, pretending he's doing his work on it whilst also trying to show that he doesn't care about his surroundings. But I know he's not really who he is trying to show and I will elaborate... I've seen what he does on his phone, he plays this football game on it, I've seen him peeking at the phone and laptop screen of the lady sitting next to him (so he does care about what is around him) and I've not seen anyone with his attitude being a boss in any office. Due to his distinctive look I'm giving him a title, 'The Acting Boss'.

We can all be distinctive... in good ways, bad ways and funny ways. I like what Robin Crow (an American author) said, "It's simple ... go the extra mile and you will stand out from the crowd". I'll leave that thought with you.

Hope you enjoyed reading this today. Keep smiling and have a great day.


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