The Power of Your Mind

The man sitting opposite me on Thursday morning's train, opened his laptop as soon as he sat down. He had the laptop opened in front of him, closed his eyes for a good few minutes and had his head resting back on the seat. He then opened his eyes and kept staring hard at the laptop screen. It was like he was frowning at it, so much so that he had a crease between his eye brows. Was he trying to control the laptop with his mind? I didn't see him type anything on it and he then closed it after about an hour. What was the purpose of that? If I could control my laptop like that and make it do things without touching it that will literally change everything for me. I'd write this just by staring at my phone..   I feel like I'm doing this with my mind anyway because I'm using the swipe feature. I think that should count as controlling with the mind. 
Can anyone control things with their mind?

There was a movie called Lucy which was about a similar concept. Googles description of the movie, "Lucy's strength and mental capacities grow exponentially after the effects of a performance-enhancing drug set in". I wonder if there would be such an advancement in science in the future that will enable humans to do so. I think some of us already do that anyway. I got into a lift at Euston station and there was a lad in front of me on his phone. He entered the lift and stared at the button for a few seconds. It felt like he was trying to press it without touching it, but then gave up and pressed it with his finger. He said to someone on the phone, "the call might disconnect as I'm in a lift". But stayed on the phone. It was about 25 seconds while the lift closed, went two floors down and then opened again. In that time he made some quiet grunting noises sounding like yeh and a final grunting noise that sounded like bye. Did he communicate with someone on the other end using the power of his mind? How did I manage to understand that? Have I discovered the power of my mind too? Does this mean I can intercept other peoples signals???

When I was about to get on the tube there was a lady who was standing very close behind me, trying to control me so that I allowed her to get on the train before myself. (I understood that using my interception skill. Or was it her direct message /signal to me?) She then closely followed me staring at a seat which I was going to sit on. But if she wanted to sit, she should have asked me instead of trying to control me and the seat. Then she gave a look of disappointment because I ignored her signals.

I believe long before all these different means of communicating were invented including languages, phones, internet - the non verbal communication or controlling things and even people with mind existed. I feel our minds are so powerful that not only we can control our actions we can control others too by giving signals from our body (obviously controlled by mind) and the mind itself. You can call it body language or our outlook. We can control our oncoming future ourselves. If you B positive, it will make you look at things in a positive way, you smile which can make your whole day positive. I really like that because my friend always tells me to be (B) positive and when I asked him why he always says that, he said that's his blood group. But he always remains positive. If you smile in the start of your day the rest of your day will be good. Try it today!! 

Yesterday, when I was getting off the tube, there was a man in front of the door, not allowing any room for me to get off the train. That made me think, why do people have different looks on their faces. This man had a tough guy sort of look which was his way of  signalling to all concerned parties, "I don't care if you're trying to get off, I need to get on this train and I'm not budging. Just in case I move and someone else get on before me". May be he's mastered that skill and that's how one would look if they're trying to control others to make sure no one asks or makes him move.

Our outlook controls how others react and behave around us. If someone's looking really grumpy or angry, people will avoid interaction with them. If someone looks happy and smiles, people will feel comfortable in talking to them. If someone looks scruffy and messy people will stay away from them. If someone is very polite while travelling in London, no one will give them a seat or way, people will even push or react weirdly with them as being polite is not normal for commuters. We form opinions about people just by looking at them and without even knowing them. What opinions we form depends on many things and that's a debate for another time.

Whatever you do.. B positive. Have a great weekend.



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